Designing and Measuring Outcomes

MCQ-20 1.Cost allocation is:
June 17, 2020
Operationalizing Constructs
June 17, 2020

Designing and Measuring Outcomes

Designing and Measuring Outcomes

Write a cohesive response that addresses the following:
•    Describe two or three outcomes for your proposed change. For each outcome, describe the evaluation criterion/criteria that is/are measurable.
•    Explain how these outcomes relate to multiple sets of standards, as well as differing groups’ needs and priorities. Why is intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration important as you design these outcomes?
•    How do the measurable outcomes for your proposed change establish accountability for you as a leader?

•    Parsons, M. L., & Cornett, P. A. (2011). Leading change for sustainability. Nurse Leader, 9(4), 36–40. doi:10.1016/j.mnl.2011.05.005
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

As noted in this article, “A comprehensive approach is needed to fulfill the multitude of expectations for creation and sustainment of quality outcomes” (Parsons & Cornett, 2011, p. 37). The authors discuss this issue using a systems framework and examine strategies related to leadership and staff engagement.
•    Pronovost, P. J., & Freischlag, J. A. (2010). Improving teamwork to reduce surgical mortality. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 304(15), 1721–1722. doi:10.1001/jama.2010.1542
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The authors advocate for improving teamwork through training, coaching, and reflective practice in order to improve outcomes.
•    Pronovost, P. J., & Lilford R. (2011). A road map for improving the performance of performance measures. Health Affairs, 30(4), 569–73.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The authors discuss the science behind the measurement of quality and propose improvements.
•    Scobbie, L., Dixon, D., & Wyke, S. (2011). Goal setting and action planning in the rehabilitation setting: Development of a theoretically informed practice framework. Clinical Rehabilitation, 25(5), 468–482. doi:10.1177/0269215510389198
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Review this article originally presented in a previous course. In order to develop a theory-based framework for setting goals, the authors of this article use causal modeling to determine effective patient outcomes. They identify four major components of the framework that can be used to set effective goals.