Designing an Evalution Plan
¢Discuss first a very brief description of my Professional Practicum Project area and focus:
1)Goal of my Project: the primary goal of this project will be to create a competency-based skills checklist for newly hired nursing staff.
¢Discuss what the objectives (or deliverables) of my Professional Practicum Project?
1)Write 3 measurable objectives
¢Discuss what evidence (criteria) is needed to evaluate the Professional Practicum Project?
¢Discuss how will success be determined? What are the benchmarks for each element of evidence and what constitutes "pass/fail," etc.?
¢Discuss how will you apply my evaluation methods during the practicum experience? What resources are needed (human and other), how will those resources be obtained, and what steps will be taken, etc?
1)Explain your formative evaluation strategy. At what points in the Practicum Project does formative evaluation need to occur?
2)Explain your summative evaluation strategy. When will summative evaluation take place?
¢Summarize the evaluation method
Reading Resources
Article: Conway, J., & Fitzgerald, M. (2004). Processes, outcomes and evaluation: Challenges to practice development in gerontological nursing [Electronic version]. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13(Suppl. 2), 121127. (Academic Search Premier Database)
Article: DeSilets, L., & Dickerson, P. (2008). SWOT is useful in your tool kit. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(5), 196197. (CINAHL Plus with Full Text database