Order Description
I. General Guidelines for the Writing of the Paper
A. The paper is to be divided into five sections: 1) an introduction; 2) a description of the progression method; 3) a table or list of the selected exercises and the primary muscle (or group of muscles) developed by the exercise; 4) a list of scapula stabilizing exercises and rotator cuff exercises and 5) a list of the stretching exercise.
1. The Introduction- It should be written in paragraph form and limited to
a maximum of one or two paragraphs. It should include the exercisers
age, gender, exercise experience and current fitness level. Refer to the
exerciser’s goals, needs and readiness level. Address the amount of available time the exercise has, the frequency with which he/she will be training, the number of sets and reps of an exercise the subject will be performing and the rest interval between sets.
2. The Progression Method- Describe the progression method (e.g. 8 to 12
Method, 8 to 10 Method, 10 to 12 Method, etc.)
3. Exercise Selection- Develop a list of approximately 10 to 12 exercises
and the targeted muscle groups. Include the major muscle groups and emphasize multi-joint exercises.
4. Scapula Stabilizing and Rotator Cuff Exercises- Include at least two
exercises for the scapula stabilizing muscle groups and at least one exercise for the rotator cuff muscles.
5. Stretching Exercises- Include one stretching exercise for each of the
following muscle groups: 1) extensors of the low back; 2) knee flexors (hamstrings); 3) knee extensors (quadriceps); 4) ankle plantarflexors; posterior calve muscles; 5) chest muscles (pectoralis major); 6) internal and external rotators.