Design snow and dust cleaning system for photovoltaic

Writers choice Academic Essay
September 2, 2020
Fiber optics
September 2, 2020

Design snow and dust cleaning system for photovoltaic

Design snow and dust cleaning system for photovoltaic

Paper details:

1- General Background about renewable energy
2- Solar panels in details with types of solar panels and examples
3- factors affect PV performance{ humidity, temperature, shading, accumulation of dust and snow ” emphasis on dust and snow impact”.
4-Problem statement:
– The needs of cleaning PV
– Methods and types of cleaning systems for PVs with full comparison and real data of:
 – time it takse to finsh cleaning
– number of cleanings per week
– cost/ area
– power consumption
– efficiency
Most common method used by companies with reasons for that
5- Table conclude the comparison in graphs