health/nursing psychology
June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020



Order Description

Please read the case study scenario about the large nationwide bank found at the end of chapter nine of your textbook. Then, answer the following 5 questions:

1. Why did the bank decide to use Design-Build? Do you agree with this decision? Why or why not?
2. Why did the bank use a Qualifications-Based Selection procurement procedure? What would have been the pros and cons of using Best Value: Total Cost or Low Bid procurement?
3. The bank did not use bridging documents or a bridging consultant. Do you think they should have been? Why or why not?
4. What do you think was the main reason the bank did not use CM at Risk?
5. The Design-Build entity was a contractor-led team. Could the Design-Build entity have been designer-led or an integrated firm? Would either have brought more benefits to the project? Explain your answer