Design an Experimental Study

Identify the strategic issues facing the organization.
September 8, 2020
Bumper stickers
September 8, 2020

Design an Experimental Study

Design an Experimental StudyOrder DescriptionDesign an Experimental StudyIdeally, the variables present in an experimental study can be controlled. There are also many other issues to consider when designing an experimental study.In this Discussion, you will propose a design for an experimental study and identify some of the issues that could arise as a result of the design. You will then beasked how you would mitigate, or minimize, those issues.To prepare for this Discussion:
Refer to the public health problem you selected last week. Or, choose another public health problem that interests you.
Determine a research question for the study.
Based on the research question, consider how you would design an experimental study.
, post a comprehensive response that proposes an experimental study design for your chosen topic. Your contribution should take into account at least two of thefollowing factors:
Informed consent
Special populations
Incentives for volunteers
Closing a study early
Your post should also answer the following questions.
What is the research question for your study?
What exposure and outcome variables will you measure?
Who will be the participants?
How is the method for this weeks study different from the method for last weeks study?
Web Resource: NPR (2002). Remembering tuskegee. Retrieved from resource describes the atrocities that characterized the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. It was a defining study in history that highlighted ethical issuesconcerning the treatment of human subjects during the conduct of experimental trials. Numerous government regulations and ethical considerations intended to protecthuman subjects have been developed in part as a consequence of this study.
Article: Epidemiologic Research and Information Center (2000). Randomized trials. ERIC Notebook, 10. Retrieved from THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT 92301 W5 E 5.2Order DescriptionTo complete this exercise, youll need to have read about simple random sampling and how to use a table of random numbers (Babbie, pp. 220-222).Visit the website In the box titled Popular Names by Birth Year, enter the year 1900, and select the Top 100 names, then clickGo. You will see lists of the 100 most popular male and female names from people born in 1900. From each of those two lists, select a simple random sample of fivenames, using the random number table as instructed on pages 220-222. Then describe the steps you took to create your samples.A. SAMPLE OF MALES NAMES SELECTED: SAMPLE OF FEMALES NAMES SELECTED : Describe what you did to generate these samples.Required Source ONLY:
Chapters 8 and 7 in Earl Babbie, The Basics of Social Research, 6th ed. Wadsworth, 2014. ISBN 113359414XResponses will consistently demonstrate that the learner is reading/viewing the source material, reading others posts, and reflecting upon all of these, throughrelevant responses. Responses will consistently draw on specific information from source material (e.g., videos, readings), using multiple specific, accurate, andrelevant examples. Responses are well organized, with no run on paragraphs or stream of consciousness writing. Use full sentences with proper grammar and almost nospelling or punctuation mistakes. The tone of your response should reflect formal writing (e.g., no abbreviations that are better suited to informal texting, email, orIM).