Design Your Own Test Items
Installment 5 of your Assessment Planning Portfolio will consist of a set of test items of your choosing and your revised and compiled portfolio. For this installment, you will design a variety of test items that you might use in the course that you have been planning for your Course Project.
In this unit, you will work on the test items component of your Assessment Planning Portfolio. Use the following steps as a guide.
Step 1: Following the guidelines presented in this Unit, construct the following test items:
Three multiple choice items
Three matching items
An interpretive exercise
A prompt for reflective writing providing insight into learner achievement of one of the stated outcomes of the course.
Step 2: Present each of your items in a short paper. Begin with an introduction that provides an overview of the various formats indicative of objective test items, as well as those used to assess reflections and behaviors including the benefit associated with their use and how they differ.
Be sure to include a few reference citations to establish the context of this paper, and state the purpose of this installment. Use the following sections to write your paper. Format each section title as a level 1 heading following the APA style guidelines for organizing a manuscript and levels of headings.
Test Items – This is the main body of your paper. Describe how you would incorporate the test items into your course (for example, describe the details of a test blueprint) and what you hope the items will reveal about student learning in your course.