Design a research proposal (the first step in undertaking a dissertation or independent study unit in your final year). When setting out your proposal

Assignment assessment criteria:
July 19, 2020
Alfred Hitchcock (North by Northwest and Rear Window)
July 19, 2020

Design a research proposal (the first step in undertaking a dissertation or independent study unit in your final year). When setting out your proposal

Design a research proposal (the first step in undertaking a dissertation or independent study unit in your final year). When setting out your proposal, please include the following:
Background and case for why this research is important, how you came to choose it and its relevance to your programme of study.
Clear aims and objectives. No more than 5 objectives. The objectives can take the form of hypotheses or research questions. Supplementary research questions may also be necessary to give strength to your proposal.
An initial literature review and use this in the text to support your proposal where appropriate. You should review a minimum of 10 references no more than 5 of them being textbooks. Your reference list at the end of the assignment will not be included in your word count, but ALL work cited in the text will.
A brief case for the research methods and research approach you will adopt and support this with methods references. Ideas developed in assignment one may be included here if useful.
Any limitations to your research and how you may overcome them, paying careful attention to ethical issues. (These need to be considered in addition to you completing and attaching the HUBS ethics statement to your appendix, available on the Ebridge site. This is easily done with the copy-paste function of MS Word).
The key practice and/or academic benefits from your research its contribution to knowledge.Rationale
This assessment is designed to prepare you for the honours project (dissertation or independent study) you will undertake in your final year.
Design a research proposal (the first step in undertaking a dissertation or independent study unit in your final year). When setting out your proposal, please include the following:
Background and case for why this research is important, how you came to choose it and its relevance to your programme of study.
Clear aims and objectives. No more than 5 objectives. The objectives can take the form of hypotheses or research questions. Supplementary research questions may also be necessary to give strength to your proposal.
An initial literature review and use this in the text to support your proposal where appropriate. You should review a minimum of 10 references no more than 5 of them being textbooks. Your reference list at the end of the assignment will not be included in your word count, but ALL work cited in the text will.
A brief case for the research methods and research approach you will adopt and support this with methods references. Ideas developed in assignment one may be included here if useful.
Any limitations to your research and how you may overcome them, paying careful attention to ethical issues. (These need to be considered in addition to you completing and attaching the HUBS ethics statement to your appendix, available on the Ebridge site. This is easily done with the copy-paste function of MS Word).
The key practice and/or academic benefits from your research its contribution to knowledge.NOTE: There are many different types of final year project, so the way you approach the six sections listed above may be very different from your class mates attempting other projects. Follow the guidance given in tutorials during semester two, and be sure to participate in workshops/seminars where we will help you!
Task Requirements
Your assignment must be word-processed and double spaced in 12 point Arial. The title of your work should appear at the top of the first page, and for this assignment, you DO need to use a contents page. The assignment will be judged by the quality of the work you provide, which is expected to meet the academic standards of level five. References will be Harvard style within the text and listed alphabetically, on a new page, at the end the end of the assignment using the heading References. You should NOT list references you have not used in the text. Page numbers of references MUST be included where text is within quotation marks. Marks will be awarded for scholarship and related to the quality of the analysis carried out. This reflects the University assessment criteria for level 5. You MUST demonstrate what was discussed from the module as taught in class, as read in the core text, and as developed during tutorial sessions. References from ACADEMIC research papers from online journals (NOT INTERNET SOURCES) are expected to illustrate your examples. You must be careful to avoid plagiarism.Rationale
This assessment is designed to develop your understanding of one or more of the methods used in your degree field.Brief
In your respective program group (Accounting and Finance, Marketing/Business/Logistics & Management, Economics/All with Economics) you have been given a specific assignment relating to method application and/or evaluation. For the reassessment, you will rework your original report following the feedback given on the first attempt. See your program mini guide on ebridge for the requirements of your report.Requirements
Your assignment must be word-processed and double spaced in 12 point Arial. The title of your work should appear at the top of the first page, and for this assignment, you do NOT need to use a contents page. The assignment will be judged by the quality of the work you provide, which is expected to meet the academic standards of level five. Any references will be Harvard style within the text and listed alphabetically, on a new page, at the end the end of the assignment using the heading References. You should NOT list references you have not used in the text. Page numbers of references MUST be included where text is within quotation marks. Marks will be awarded for scholarship and related to the quality of the analysis carried out. This reflects the University assessment criteria for level 5. You MUST demonstrate what was discussed from the module as taught in class, as read in the core text, and as developed during tutorial sessions. References from ACADEMIC research papers from online journals (NOT INTERNET SOURCES) are expected to illustrate your examples. You must be careful to avoid plagiarism.If you need to resit Assignment 2
Revision of your research/project proposal 3,000 words (60%)
Hand in date as stated in module handbook
Review and improve your research proposal (the first step in undertaking a dissertation or independent study unit in your final year) following the guidance given by your research methods tutor in the feedback to your original submission. You may also wish to meet with them to discuss any significant issues in your original assignment, or for a tutorial on a topic that would support your revision of work. When setting out your proposal, please include the following:
Background and case for why this research is important, how you came to choose it and its relevance to your programme of study.
Clear aims and objectives. No more than 5 objectives. The objectives can take the form of hypotheses or research questions. Supplementary research questions may also be necessary to give strength to your proposal.
An initial literature review and use this in the text to support your proposal where appropriate. You should review a minimum of 10 references no more than 5 of them being textbooks. Your reference list at the end of the assignment will not be included in your word count, but ALL work cited in the text will.
A brief case for the research methods and research approach you will adopt and support this with methods references. Ideas developed in assignment one may be included here if useful.
Any limitations to your research and how you may overcome them, paying careful attention to ethical issues. (These need to be considered in addition to you completing and attaching the HUBS ethics statement to your appendix, available on the Ebridge site. This is easily done with the copy-paste function of MS Word).
The key practice and/or academic benefits from your research its contribution to knowledge.In the case of those planning to undertake a year in industry, or a year abroad, this proposal may include specific discussion of investigations and research actions that could be undertaken during this year.
NOTE: There are many different types of final year project, so the way you approach the six sections listed above may be very different from your class mates attempting other projects. Follow the guidance given in tutorials during semester two, and be sure to participate in workshops/seminars where we will help you!
Task Requirements
Your assignment must be word-processed and double spaced in 12 point Arial. The title of your work should appear at the top of the first page, and for this assignment, you DO need to use a contents page. The assignment will be judged by the quality of the work you provide, which is expected to meet the academic standards of level five. References will be Harvard style within the text and listed alphabetically, on a new page, at the end the end of the assignment using the heading References. You should NOT list references you have not used in the text. Page numbers of references MUST be included where text is within quotation marks. Marks will be awarded for scholarship and related to the quality of the analysis carried out. This reflects the University assessment criteria for level 5. You MUST demonstrate what was discussed from the module as taught in class, as read in the core text, and as developed during tutorial sessions. References from ACADEMIC research papers from online journals (NOT INTERNET SOURCES) are expected to illustrate your examples. You must be careful to avoid plagiarism.