desighn for manufacture report

Operationalizing Constructs
June 17, 2020
Florida’s State Panther
June 17, 2020

desighn for manufacture report

desighn for manufacture report

Project description
its a group project report in my part i want to write about the prices,materials and manufacturing processes.Our concept is a shoebox names adiclip that would be like and it would be given to customers in order to advertise adidas and in the same time show the

sustainability of the company
Added on 07.01.2015 04:38
the acidly would be made of plastic petg and we will use 1.5gr ferritic stainless steel i could find the prices
Added on 07.01.2015 04:40
the process that will used for the mass production will be injection moulding (y can write information on why it is a suitable method.)
Added on 07.01.2015 04:42
Please ask questions in order to provide y more information.
Added on 07.01.2015 04:43
The report should be written in an creative and professional way with a clear and consistent layout. All the technical details should be communicated clearly and with

precision (based on facts), and show the evaluation and justification for every decision and calculation made. Remember clarity of communication and justification of

ideas is key in this report.
Please note that this is only a guide of what should be included and the structure can be changed to benefit the way you present your information.
This document should be used in conjunction with the assignment specifications.
Pages before introduction Introduction
Supporting Background Information
Project Aims and Objectives
Concepts considered
Including Sketches/Models/Photos/Etc.
Chosen concept
Chosen concept – product specification
Visual representation
Dimensions and Weight
Tolerances and assembly considerations
Manufacturing processes
Detailed costs (Prototype and Mass production)
Engineering analysis (Design considerations: Moving part, electronics, software, etc.)
Other relevant information depending on particular designs (Safety, Packaging, Legal, Environment, Disposal, etc.
Added on 07.01.2015 04:45
I would also want to ask y to not use the link I sent y as a reference as it is a concept and we used it as a guide
Added on 07.01.2015 04:59
you can write about the materials and why they are used and The cost breakdown associated with producing a single prototype, hence the
material costs, the manufacture process, etc.
The cost breakdown associated with moving to mass production, the
production of 10, 000 products