May 25, 2020
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May 25, 2020

Descriptive essay

Describe a particularly memorable concert or sporting event you have attended either as a fan or have taken part in as a participant. Include your reactions to the outcome of the event. Do not write about a movie or a play you have attended. That is, do not offer something that presents merely plot summary. Be sure to include a thesis that supplies some truth about the event. That is, why was this so memorable, so important, to you?

Describe your neighborhood to a visitor who knows nothing about it. Include as many specific details as you can. However, do not provide only detail. Provide some truth about the neighborhood to your reader. That is, be sure you have a thesis that points out the uniqueness of the community.
Write a description of a sight or scene that fascinated, surprised, or shocked you. Your description should include use of the five senses and a thesis that explains why you were so shocked by the outcome. You may also focus merely on your own yard, or home. And you may also write about some journey you took that changed your view of life.
Find a photograph of you and/or your family (or friends) that captures a significant event, time, or emotion in your life. Write about this photograph and clearly present the significance of the photograph to your reader.
Visit a store in your hometown other town and describe the scene. Go further than a mere physical description; come up with some sort of thesis that sums up what the store is about, what happens in it, what it’s like.
It has now been over eleven years since the Sept. 11, 2001, Twin Towers collapse. Write a description essay about your recollection of your event that focuses upon the scene around you and not what was seen on TV. Do describe your own shock and how you reacted.
Describe an object that is important to you. For example, it can be a ring, a necklace, a watch. Or, it can be a cup or a trophy. The point is that you need to describe it in detail so the reader can see it in his or her mind’s eye. Also, reflect upon it throughout the essay and especially in the conclusion to explain the object’s importance to you.
Several of the essays in your textbook describe a journey. Describe some journey you took. Be sure you describe the scene in detail and also explain in your thesis why and how this destination influenced you.