Offer guidance to a new student on how to approach and assignment on the following subjects…..
American Revolution
Civil War
Cold War
Culture and Society
Economics, Labor
Global Relations
The American Revolution
In this paper you provide clear and accurate information on every facet of the revolution and how the events came together culminating in independence for the colonies involved. Clearly state in chronological order the events that instigated the revolution. Additionally, identify the noteworthy events that took place during the revolution and the key figures that were involved in shaping its outcome. Distinguish between the pro revolutionaries and those who were opposed to the revolution their contribution to the revolution. In drawing a conclusion, analyze the outcome regarding the impact it had on American society by comparing the situation that existed before and after the revolution in terms of the socioeconomic and political status of the colonies.
Civil War
You are required to carry out in depth research on the issues that prevailed in 19th century America. You should start by detailing a sequential description of the vents that led to the Civil War. Identify the philosophies that drove the opposing sections, the people and groups that were central to the war and their role in it. Include the themes that dominated the war such as the abolitionist movement and the various amendments to the United States constitution. Identify the key changes that the Civil War brought about in the United States and point out the positive and negative outcomes of the war. Explain how the Civil War shaped American society into the way it is today.
The Cold War
In this assignment, you should start by giving a detailed description of the Cold War by identifying the important development in the politics of the west and the Soviet Union and the philosophical grounds on which they were anchored. Develop an account of how political, economic and military conditions of postwar Europe led to the Cold War. Identify significant policies and events that took place and their effect on the relationship between the United States and other countries. Point out the leaders involved in the Cold War, such as Eisenhower and Khrushchev, and identify the effects of their actions in shaping the war. You should also attempt to develop an explanation of how the cold war influenced global politics.
In writing about the constitution, you should begin by identifying the history and sources of the constitution. Identify the significant figures in American history that were involved in drafting the constitution and the principles that guided them. Give a detailed account of the steps that are taken in the constitution-making process. Identify the role of legislative, executive and judicial branches of government in making, interpreting and executing laws. Show how amendments to the constitution are carried out and their importance. Give a description of the bill of rights and what it entails and identify the States rights. To assist you in your research, I suggest that you consult the National Center for Constitutional Studies website (
Culture and Society
This assignment will require you to carry out research on culture and society. You should begin by giving a clear definition of what culture and society entails. Identify the basic elements of society and describe the elements of culture which include, among others norms and ideologies. Give examples of each with regard to your own culture. Point out various agents involved in the transmission of culture in society and their effect on personal development. Identify the cultural differences that exist between the west and other parts of the world and determine how culture has shaped these societies. You should also identify positive and negative aspects of your culture as a basis of deciding the areas that need to be changed.
Economics, Labor
Labor issues in the economy of the United States are the area of focus when doing this assignment. you are required to tackle the problem of labor demand and supply, labor markets and the functions of unions and government with regard to labor. The paper should be centered on labor regulation. Your writing should assess the positive and negative impacts of labor laws by identifying the function of legislation in the labor markets and the economy. Your paper should also attempt to determine the extent of the effect of the current economic downturn on labor laws. An evaluation of possible ways in which regulation can be used to revive the economy will be needed when drawing a conclusion.
Global Relations
In this topic you are required to carry out extensive research on the nature of relationships between countries in a global context. Begin by addressing globalization by defining the term, and identify the various aspects of globalization. Carry out a detailed investigation to show how countries have come to be dependent on one another. You should also seek to explore the advantages and shortcomings of globalization with regard to various areas of concern such as environmental protection and inequality among others. Your paper should also consider the function of multinational corporations in such areas as trade and finance in the international sphere. Moreover, try to form a conclusive argument to determine the future of global politics in light of globalization.
Your paper should be aimed at creating a rich, descriptive analysis of government in terms of its role in public policy and politics. You should be able to distinguish between the concept of power and political power with regard to how authority and legitimacy are acquired in a democratic system. You should clearly define and identify the various forms of democracy, and identify democracies which ascribe to each, citing your reasons. Additionally, you should touch on the major theories in politics with a view of identifying the countries in the world that ascribe to each. You should also identify the challenges to democracy in today’s world with regard to security problems that plague the world in the 21st century.
Your paper should focus on international migration by considering international law and legislation concerning the movement of people across different nations among other things. You should include themes which are pertinent to the study of migration such as asylum and the issue of refugees. To aid in your research, you should consult the relevant sources such as news providers, books, journals and articles. Relevant sources for researching the legal aspect of your research can be found in documents detailing international pacts, the laws of countries and guidelines set up by international organizations, such as the United Nations Treaty Collection. Create a convincing essay which will display a coherent, argument and justify it using relevant information.
When performing military research you will be required to consult the relevant documents, books and journals. Significant resources can be found at the Defense Technical Information Center, the National Defense University, and the Homeland Security Digital library. These are excellent resources which contain current and historical data on information related to the military and armed conflict. You should make sure that your research is focused on a specific issue such as “armed conflict”. You should structure your essay in the style that you have been instructed, for example, an argumentative essay may consist of an evaluation of opportunities and shortcomings of armed conflict which should be justified appropriately by consulting relevant material on the subject.
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