Describes the most likely order of events in speciation

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April 20, 2020
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April 20, 2020

Describes the most likely order of events in speciation

1. Which of the following describes the most likely order of events in speciation?
a.) genetic isolation, genetic drift and/or natural selection,divergence into two species
b.) genetic isolation, divergence into two species, geneticdrift and/or natural selection
c.) divergence into two species, genetic drift and/or naturalselection, genetic isolation
d.) genetic drift and/or natural selection, divergence intotwo species, genetic isolation

2. A species has six pairs of chromosomes. How many moleculesof DNA do the nuclei have during G2 phase?
a.) 6
b.) 12
c.) 24
d.) 48

3. How does a scientific theory differ from a scientifichypothesis?
a.) there is no difference, the terms areinterchangeable
b.) a theory is a well-tested explanation for more generalphenomena, while hypotheses treat more specific observations
c.) theories define scientific laws, hypotheses are used toset up experiments
d.) theories are not necessarily testable, hypotheses aretestable.