Before you write your third journal entry, bring to mind the video segment, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in which Dr. Eugene Garcia talks about the tremendous influence that the first few years of life have on individuals, explaining that the roots one develops through early experiences are essential to the development of that person. Think about the roots that have influenced your life and your learning. In what ways are you a product of how and where you were raised as a child? What role has culture and/or language played in making you the person you are today?Part 1::For your journal entry this week, review the questions below and then selectto write about:Assignment length: 23 pagesBefore you write your third journal entry, bring to mind the video segment, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in which Dr. Eugene Garcia talks about the tremendous influence that the first few years of life have on individuals, explaining that the roots one develops through early experiences are essential to the development of that person. Think about the roots that have influenced your life and your learning. In what ways are you a product of how and where you were raised as a child? What role has culture and/or language played in making you the person you are today?Part 1::For your journal entry this week, review the questions below and then selectto write about:Assignment length: 23 pages