Describe the importance and relevance of health care coverage.

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Describe the importance and relevance of health care coverage.

Introductory paragraph. Extensively describe the importance and relevance of health care coverage. Provides specific facts and details. End paragraph with a clearly worded purpose statement.
Select a major health care plan. Summarizes three care options provided by the plan that facilitates access for the patient. Summarizes three care options that limit access to care for the patient. Provide specific examples and facts.
Select a second major health care plan. Summarizes three care options provided by the plan that facilitates access for the patient. Summarizes three care options that limit access to care for the patient. Provide specific examples and facts.
Extensively describes the purpose of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) using specific facts and details. Explains the impact of DRGs on treatment, length of stay, referrals, and payment of service using specific facts and details.
Comprehensively describe the role of charity care within a health care facility by including two specific facts and details. Clearly discusses how vulnerable populations and the uninsured may be impacted by including two specific facts and details.
Conclusion paragraph.