Describe the dash diet and the nutrients it targets

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Describe the dash diet and the nutrients it targets

Read the Controversy 8 – Osteoporosis: Can Lifestyle Choices Reduce the Risks?

Take this osteoporosis risk survey below.

What is your risk? At the end of the survey, click on “What Makes Up My Risk.” Tell which factors raised and lowered your risk. Read the section on Sodium and Blood Pressure in chapter 8. Take the stoke risk survey below.;func=home&quiz=stroke

What is your risk? At the end of the survey, click on “What Makes Up My Risk.” Tell which factors raised and lowered your risk. Fortunately, there is a diet that helps you avoid both osteoporosis AND hypertension – and is probably protective against cancer and heart disease. Describe the DASH diet and the nutrients it targets. You can find information about DASH in your textbook, the Internet, and in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Is this diet something you could do? Log-in to your diet analysis and find out if you received your RDA for the minerals. Discuss your results.