Describe the application architecture and process design.

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Describe the application architecture and process design.

Project description
Complete Section 2 of the Service Request SR-rm-022 paper. This weeks assignment incorporates the transition from analysis to design. Consider revising Section 1 based on faculty feedback.
Prepare a 3- to 4-page paper that includes the following:
Describe the application architecture and process design. Include a high-level description of the security controls you recommend for the design of this HR system.
Apply the tools of systems analysis to describe the information systems architecture in terms of data, processes, interfaces, and network. Use Microsoft Visio, Lucid Chart, or another diagraming tool to draw examples of flow charts, data flow diagrams, and any other design tools.
Cite and discuss 2 to 3 references, in addition to the required readings, that are relevant to the assignment. Include citations and references formatted consistent with APA guidelines.
Added on 27.06.2016 21:22
I have attached week one but please keep in mind Im currently going through an appeal for week 1 assignment with the teacher because she accused the whole team of plagiarism so please keep my assignment original.
Instruction filesbsa_375_2_.doc(51,00 KiB)