Describe recorded representations of black music and musicians before 1920.

treatment strategies
May 14, 2020
white-collar legislation
May 14, 2020

Describe recorded representations of black music and musicians before 1920.

Describe recorded representations of black music and musicians before 1920.

What were the major purposes of records in that earliest period?
What changes began to occur as more and
more people came to live in urban
ghettoes as well as middle and upper middle class black urban neighborhoods?
How did advertising and press coverage combine with basic capitalist forces to
redefine downhome blues? (p. 211)
Chapter 7
What were some of
the effects of race record advertisements?
How does Titon expand on chapter 7 by including images from sheet music
and songbooks published in the 1880s?
Describe his experiences on the Delta Blues Tour. How does he reach the conclusion that,
the blues music culture still has enough resources to throw us into a realm of signification
in which we can ponder who we are and who we might become (Titon 1994: 278)?
Briefly address each question.
Your entire paper must be typed using 12

point stand
ard font,

spaced, and no more than 2 full pages long.
Use only Titon
‘s book. Cite appropriately using a consistent system. Simple citations giving the
author’s name, year of publication, and page number of reference are perfect. For example, i
f I
ite something from page 200
of Titon
‘s book it would
look like this (Titon 1994: 200
Titon, Jeff Todd
Early Downhome Blues: a musical and cultural analysis. 2
pp. 193