Describe and compare functional behavior assessment and functional analysis procedures.

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June 29, 2020

Describe and compare functional behavior assessment and functional analysis procedures.

Order DescriptionQuestion 1: Use your Applied Behavior Analysis text to read, discuss and explain :
Chapter 18, Imitation, pages 412419.
Chapter 19, Shaping, pages 420433.
Chapter 20, Chaining, pages 434453.
Read the following PowerPoint presentations in preparation for ICS Part 1 and 2 in this unit:
Chapter 18, Imitation.
Chapter 19, Shaping.
Chapter 20, Chaining.
Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, and Richmans 1982 article, Toward a Functional Analysis of Self-Injury, in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, volume 27, number 2, 197209 (1994 reprint).
Tincani, Castrogiavanni, and Axelrods 1999 article, A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Brief Versus Traditional Functional Analyses, in Research in Developmental Disabilities, volume 20, number 5, pages 327338.Question 2: Functional Assessment and Analysis
Describe and compare functional behavior assessment and functional analysis procedures. Discuss some factors that may impact decisions to apply each approach.Question 3: Imitation, Chaining, and Shaping
Describe and compare functional behavior assessment and functional analysis procedures. Discuss some factors that may impact decisions to apply each approach.
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