Research key aspects of the HDR function, demonstrate they understand the key workforce challenges of a self-selected case study organization and that they can translate these issues into
opportunities for improving HRD practice in the case study organization (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) Australian government department.
Report Structure:
The research report should contain a clearly designated Introduction Section that sets the scene for the research report, defines key terms, sets out the central argument about the organization’s
HRD practices and workforce management challenges and the position being taken on the organization’s need for practice improvement.
The research report should contain a Background Section that provides an overview of the case study organization including its mission, vision and values, its size and functions, its corporate
strategies and an overview of its key workforce management challenges. This section should also analyse the key external and internal environmental challenges facing the case study organization as
well as any generic workforce challenges facing the case study organization (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade).
The report must contain a Discussion Section that addresses four specific questions:
1. Identify the key workforce management challenges facing the case study organization and why these are challenges to its sustained organizational effectiveness (drawing upon the research
2. Discuss the extent to which the case study organization’s HRD practices integrated within the HRD practice area and integrated with other key HRM practices and why is integration of Key HR
practices important (drawing upon the research literature underpinning the Strategy Alignment Practice Integration Model)?
3. Discuss the extent to which the case study organization’s key HRD practices are aligned to an HRM and/or corporate strategy and why is strategy alignment of Key HR practices important
(drawing upon the research literature underpinning the Strategy Alignment Practice Integration Model)?
4. What are the opportunities for practice improvement in the case study organization in relation to a contemporary HRD challenge (drawing upon the research literature)? The options are:
leadership development or talent management or graduate employability & career management or any other suitable topic negotiated with the lecturer.