demonstrate your growing understanding of the definitions and functions of various styles of humor, as well as the nature of intertextuality.

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demonstrate your growing understanding of the definitions and functions of various styles of humor, as well as the nature of intertextuality.

Order DescriptionAssessment Rubrics: Thesis, Evidence, Coherence, Style, Mechanics
Key Terms: Humor, Irony, Allusion, Parody, Satire, SarcasmObjectives:
To demonstrate your growing understanding of the definitions and functions of various styles of humor, as well as the nature of intertextuality.
To demonstrate your growing understanding of thesis-based argumentation to an extended composition.
To demonstrate your growing understanding of plain English style to an extended composition.Assignment Description:
For this project, you will choose a commercial, film, comic strip (or any other form of entertainment that others find funny but you do not. (Note: The only format you man not use is a meme.) Your goal is to write an essay that analyzes the reasons that others find it funny. In order to do this, you should identify the target audience for the work, define the primary types of humor the creators employed, identify the ways (methods) the creators apply to deliver the humor to their audience.Types of Humor you should consider the readings and lectures from our class and give examples from the text (the source you have chosen to analyze) that support your claims. What are the primary features of this style of humor and how does this text fits these categories?Target Audience you should locate demographic information (data) by using library resources AND consider evidence within the text itself that give you clues as to the intended audience. Give specific, concrete examples of both.
Methods this is a very important section that will vary greatly from essay to essay, depending on your chosen subject. Does the humor rely on outside references? Slapstick humor? Conflict between two characters? Sarcasm? Puns? Give examples that support your claims.Conclusion dont forget to conclude your essay by explaining how/why you do not find the text funny. Your conclusion should be a culmination of all of the points made throughout your paper.Formatting: 12 point, Times New Roman, double spaced. MLA documentation for sources and formatting for pagination, title and header, and margins.**MUST USE SCHOLARLY SOURCES* The length requirement approximates what the instructors believe an assignment of this scope might look like. Note that the actual scoring of the assignment is based entirely upon the RUBRICS. Where length is involved, writing clear, concise prose (see the rubric for Style) will shorten your essay. This is a good thing! Conversely, the rubric for Evidence requires that you include and analyze a sufficient amount of relevant evidence, which will lengthen your document. You should find that the tension between these two elements would land you, much like Goldilocks, at a length that is just right.Essay fulfills all the requirements of Rating 5 and achieves a level of artistic mastery that may be marked by an innovative, authentic, and provocative thesis.
(Rating 5: Essay contains an analytic statement that is clear; that elaborates on multiple implications; that identifies non-obvious (surprising, counter-intuitive) complexities of meaning and implications; and that does so at a sophisticated level.)Basically, choose a topic (Amy Schumers vulgar comedy), discuss its elements (reference a work of hers), discuss the audience that finds it funny (and why) and discuss the audience that might not find it funny (and why). Use sources when referring to one of her pieces, when analyzing the audience type, and the comedy type.One helpful reference/source: TEDxBoulder Peter McGraw What Makes Things Funny
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