Dementia- Friendly environments-Aged care innovation Dementia

Poverty and Pollution Case Study
May 29, 2020
Trade Development
May 29, 2020

Dementia- Friendly environments-Aged care innovation Dementia

Topic: Dementia- Friendly environments-Aged care innovation

Dementia- Friendly environments-Aged care innovation

Please answer all the questions fully. See chapter 22 of our required text has a lot of relevant information that can be used in this essay. Be careful not to make it too close to text as the university course coordinator knows exactly what is in the book any plagiarism will be instantly recognised and the plenties as harsh . Other resources I have uploaded are academic journals relevant to this essay. When using other sources please use only academic scholarly journals or text books no earlier than 2003. Don’t use to many direct quotes and please use appropriate and strict in text referencing. The word count should be 2500 words which I have roughly set out for you below.

1. Introduction: 250 words

2. Describe one (1) innovation in aged care in the area of technology or environment. Explain how the innovation represents technology or environment = 350 words

3. Critically analyse evidence that you researched on this innovation to support a discussion of how the innovation benefits older people. Include peer reviewed journal articles.=350 words

4. Describes one (1) aged care innovation with appropriate depth, includes an explanation of how this innovation represents the area of technology or environment synthesise this information into recommendations for practice including how Nurses can improve their own practice and influence the practice of those around them =350words e.g. Ensure environment and organization maintains person centered philosophy . Educate other staff. Use collaborative approach , facilitate inclusion and decision making and independence, ensure clients’ needs are incorporated into environment and layout of facility. Keep environment safe. Create an environment that is welcoming of friend’s family member’s residents and staff. (please see chapter 22 text and articles for ideas) 5. Conclusion: 250 words