Defining and Measuring Crime

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Defining and Measuring Crime

Defining and Measuring Crime
Paper instructions:

Using the assigned readings (see bottom of instructions for links), Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) data, and the film, A Time to Kill, write a reflective essay (825+ words) on how various philosophies define crime and how differences in philosophy can influence the way that crime is quantified. In-text citations and reference page not included in word count.

Address the following:

Identify how changes in the social and political climate can lead to modifications in the way governments and individuals define crime.
Address the difficulties that arise when attempting to define and measure crime.
Discuss whether crime statistics reflect more about the individuals that are collecting the statistics or the crimes and criminals.
Examine the various ways that crime is measured and discuss the possible benefits or issues that could arise with each type of measurement tool.

– Essay is thorough and well-delineated in identifying how changes in the social and political climate can lead to modifications in the way governments and individuals define crime; logical connections are made. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
– Essay is thorough and well-delineated in addressing the difficulties that arise when attempting to define and measure crime; logical connections are made. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
– A thorough and well-delineated discussion of whether or not crime statistics reflect more about the individuals that are collecting the statistics or the crimes and criminals is present; logical connections are made. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
– A thorough and well-delineated examination of the various ways that crime is measured is present; a well-connected discussion of the possible benefits or issues that could arise with each type of measurement tool is well-delineated. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
– Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
– Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

Assigned readings:
1. The O.J. Simpson Civil Trial: Jury’s Decisions

Review “The O.J. Simpson Civil Trial: Jury’s Decisions” (1997).

2. Uniform Crime Reports

Read “Uniform Crime Reports,” located on the Federal Bureau of Investigation website.

3. Teaching Kids to Kill

Read “Teaching Kids to Kill,” by Grossman, from Phi Kappa Phi National Forum (2000).