Define and evaluate the major geostrategic challenges the EU will face in the coming decade.

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March 13, 2020
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March 13, 2020

Define and evaluate the major geostrategic challenges the EU will face in the coming decade.

Define and evaluate the major geostrategic challenges the EU will face in the coming decade.
our essay must have a coherent structure and should flow logically.
1. Introduction: outline (succinctly) the argument you are about to make – what is your point? Then outline the structure of your essay – i.e. “First I explore the contemporary status of state sovereignty outlining the key points in the historical evolution of the concept. Then I engage with those perspectives which suggest that sovereignty is no longer sacrosanct…..etc”
2. The Main Body: here you should generally start by defining the key terms in the question, identify the sources of contestation, describe the different competing perspectives and finally (and most importantly) critically analyse the argument giving your own view based on supporting evidence and engagement with the perspective you critique.
3. Conclusion: provide a brief summary of the essay.
4. Bibliography: list all the sources you used in writing the essay. Ensure you have a good mix of articles and books.

PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSTRUCTION FOR HARVARD REFERENCING. The references in the text appear in the form of: author’s surname, date of publication and the number(s) of the page(s) to which you are referring.


? M. Merlingen (2012) EU Security Policy. What it is, How it Works, Why it Matters (Boulder, co: London, Lynne Rienner)

? S. Marsh and W. Rees (2012) The European Union in the Security of Europe. From Cold War to Terror War (Routledge)

? S. Biscop and R. Whitman (eds) (2013) The Routledge Handbook of European Security (Abingdon, Routledge)

? C. Bickerton, B. Irondelle and A. Menon (eds) (2011) special issue on ‘Security cooperation beyond the nation state: the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy’ Journal of Common Market Studies 49(1)
: J. Rogers (2013) in S. Biscop and R. Whitman (eds) The Routledge Handbook of European Security (Abingdon, Routledge: 211-24) (e-book)

G. Christou et al (2010) ‘European Union security governance: putting the ‘security’ back in’ European Security 19(3): 341-59

the 2011 special issue of Contemporary Security Policy 32(3) on ‘European security policy: strategic culture in operation?’