Take-home Assignment #2: The Language of Revolution: Equality and Citizenship – Due May 14, 8:00 a.m.
The “Declaration of Rights of Man,” (DoRM) “Declaration of Rights of Woman,” (DoRW) and “The 1805 Constitution of Haiti” are primary documents, i.e., documents produced during the era of the Atlantic revolutions. Before you read them, be sure you have completed the assigned reading in the textbook. Failure to do so often results in interpretative errors. ______________________________________________________________________________
- Who/what issued the “Declaration of the Rights of Man”? When was it written? Who/what is identified as the source of tyranny and oppression?
Who/what wrote the “Declaration of the Rights of Woman”? When was it written? Who/what is identified as the source of tyranny and oppression?
Who/what issued the Haitian Constitution? (Do not just list the names. Who were these people?) When was it written? Who/what is identified as the source of tyranny and oppression?
- Discuss one specific article in the DORM, explaining how the authors believed its enactment would eliminate tyranny and oppression, bring about justice and equality, and benefit the general good. NOTE: Answer this question in your own words. Do not repeat the language of the article.
- Refer to one specific article in the DoRW, explaining how the author believed its enactment would eliminate tyranny and oppression, bring about justice and equality, and benefit the general good. NOTE: Answer this question in your own words. Do not repeat the language of the article.
- Refer to one specific article of the Haitian Constitution, explaining how the authors believed its enactment would eliminate tyranny and oppression, bring about justice and equality, and benefit the general good. NOTE: Answer this question in your own words. Do not repeat the language of the article.