You will now post your rebuttal to the student’s position who opposed your chosen ethical issue resolution in week 6. Your charge is to post a rebuttal to the previous student’s opposing position on your proposed issue resolution regardless of whether or not you agree with that position.
Assignment Guidelines
•Post your rebuttal to the opposing position to your issue resolution (presented by one of your peers in week 6).
•Again, consider the stakeholders and factors in support of your proposed resolution.
•(Point out any additional stakeholders and factors that may support your resolution.)
•Drive home the importance of any policy drivers related to the issue resolution such as access, quality, and cost.
•Emphasize the importance of selected ethical principles involved (e.g., justice, autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, veracity).
•If a choice is made, stress the important factors supporting your resolution and bring them to the forefront.