DBA Learning Agreement Academic Essay

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DBA Learning Agreement Academic Essay


The aim of the learning agreement is to provide students with a process to capture their intended learning outcomes and needs at an early stage of the DBA process. The learning agreement is part of the assessed items for the Planning Module. Therefore it must be completed and submitted for assessment of the planning module.

It will be used to support your learning throughout the programme. You will be asked to critically revisit the learning agreement as part of stage two in the reflective module. During stage 2 of the programme you will be asked to critically reflect on how useful and accurate the learning agreement was, what has changed and what you have learned from this. At stage 2 the learning agreement will also be sent to you DOS and will be used as the basis for starting the supervisory process.



Title of Proposed Investigative Project:

Reflective account of learning in making this proposal (Maximum 300 words)

Identify any major barriers to completing the investigative project:

Identify any major barriers to completing the DBA process:

Identify support requirements to clarify and finalise the project plan:

What relationship do you want from the Director of Studies (DOS)?

How do you intend to develop a supervisory relationship with your supervisory team?

What skills and knowledge do you need to develop as a


Reflective Professional

How do you intend to develop the knowledge and skills identified in the previous question?

Action plan:

The final prompt is designed to provide an opportunity for you to consider how your work on the DBA will make a contribution to knowledge and professional practice. It is important to highlight this at the early stage of the DBA. A contribution to knowledge and professional practice is a required outcome of your work and should be explicit in your submitted investigative project.

Please complete an action plan which identifies key milestones/targets in your proposed progress in:

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Posted on May 24, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions