Davis, Natalie: “The Return of Martin Guerre” Academic Essay

2x tutorial report Academic Essay
August 17, 2020
Philosophy paper Academic Essay
August 17, 2020

Davis, Natalie: “The Return of Martin Guerre” Academic Essay


write an introduction with useful information on the author (did s/he write other books?), the title (attractive? serious? etc.), the publishing house (describe its general orientation), the year of publication (any significance?), bibliography, index (or no biblio, no index). 3/4 page

– Locate, and explain both the author’s thesis and the supporting arguments. For instance (this ex has nothing to do with any of the 3 books): ” F.M., a strong opponent of religious tolerance, asserts/ suggests/demonstrates that the publication of the famous Essays, written by French philosopher and essayist Montaigne (dates), paved the way for… F.M. bases his assertion on 2 major facts….” 1 page 1/2

– Select an important chapter: summarize it and discuss its content, emphasizing its strategic importance in relation to thesis. 1 page 1/2

– Read the intro and the conclusion together, and note your observations: are they aligned? are the questions asked in the intro answered in the conclusion? does the conclusion bring closure or does it open onto a new issue? 3/4 page

– Analyze bibliography with the knowledge you acquired about the various types of sources. Is the bibliography complete, are there elements missing? what type of further reading would you do, and why? 3/4 page

-Develop your opinion about the book, its thesis and its relevance. Do you have a counter-thesis? 1 page 1/2

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Posted on May 9, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions