The role that setting and character play in driving the plot events in a story from the readings
June 3, 2020
explain when you think the use of a forced quarantine is justifiable. Include examples of 2 or more pathogens in your answer
June 3, 2020

Data-gathering Plan

Unit 5-Data-gathering Plan

Read chapters: 25, 33, 39

Once you have established the initial contact with your client, you will want to gather data. Develop a data-gathering plan. Include in your plan (be specific) the data needed, how you would gather the data necessary to analyze the needed changes; who else you would interview and why; and how you will gather the data (interviews, surveys, etc). While you will not gather the data, spend some time deciding your direction for this assignment. You can even ask for input from your client. Again, make this detailed and specificvery detailed and very specific. Use your text and MULTIPLE outside sources.

Please include a thorough discussion over the following information:

Fully discuss the data gathering methods you will use. I need to see multiple outside resources

Identify any potential negatives consequences that may arise from using any of these methods and how you will handle problems. Outside resources needed.

Ensure you include outside research to support data gathering methods for your situation.

Here are some cites to assist you–

Look at step 4: