Explain the assertion that one (1) disadvantage of the pure project
July 14, 2020
A feminist socialist reading ofworld war 1in pat barker’s regeneration trilogy
July 14, 2020

Data Collection Strategies

The project will focus on identification and analysis of secondary data sources.

Part 1: Locate two (2) surveys that were administered nationally or on a state level to measure health-related behaviors among adults or youth. You should locate a description of the survey, a sample of the instrument itself, and at least one article from a scholarly journal that describes the results of an administration of this survey. Use the resources you located for each survey to describe the following:

1.The purpose of each survey (i.e. specify what is being measured)
2.The target population (among whom is it being measured?)
3.The typical administration method for the survey (phone, mail, face-to-face, computer aided, etc.) and discuss any special instructions or considerations for proper administration of this survey (is it anonymous, what is the consent process, etc.)
4.How often is the survey administered? What are the most recently available data?

Here are some examples of national level surveys . . . Youth Risk Behavior Survey http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/yrbs/index.htm

National Health Interview Survey http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis.htm

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

You may use any of these examples. You may also I search for surveys on the internet (google the term: National Health Behavior Surveys) and obtain information from the website of the survey.
The more common or well known the survey is, the more information will be available about that survey and the easier it will be for you to locate the information to respond to the questions.
Once you are in the website, don’t be afraid to look around. Typically, you should have access to the survey instruments, a discussion of the survey administration, and a list of publications based upon the survey data somewhere within the site.

Also, respond to these questions for each survey:

1.How did the developers take respondent characteristics (age, race, culture, etc.) into account in survey development?
2.What steps did the developers take to ensure that the survey is of high quality in terms of reliability and validity?
3.If you were developing a program based on the data collected using this survey, how confident would you be in the results? Why?

Part 2: Identify a needs assessment that was completed by a local agency or organization. Read through the document and, after reviewing the data, answer these questions:

1.For what agency or local organization was the assessment prepared (i.e. health department, county, etc.)?
2.Who prepared the report and what are their credentials?
3.What is the health issue/need being assessed?
4.What are the top three priorities or conclusions of the assessment?
5.Briefly describe the data offered by the author(s) in support of the conclusions.
6.Describe your level of agreement with the priorities and conclusions in and offer a justification.

The key to successfully completing this portion of the assignment is to be sure you search for an assessment at the LOCAL level and that the assessment deals with HEALTH . . . not housing or electricity or waste management, etc.
Internet searching is the best way to locate a needs assessment (as opposed to using the library) because needs assessments are completed for agencies and local communities.
Be sure to select a document (i.e. a report of a needs assessment that you can read) and not an organization.

Here is a link to a sample health needs assessment:

You may use this for your assignment if you cannot locate an appropriate assessment.

Complete this assignment as a Word document. The paper should be approximately four pages in length, double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font, using references to support your response.