Is cloning of human beings immoral? If so why? And whose definition of morality are you using?
September 10, 2020
Business story portfolio
September 11, 2020

Data Analysis

1) On the ‘’Animal” tab, you will see a data set that contains animals in different countries along with their

population number. Please produce a report analyzing any trend that you see.

2) On the Handset Market Analysis” tab. We want to see if you can understand and analyze the data set in this model.

Please provide an estimate for the calendar year first quarter of 2013 fill the cells highlighted in yellow under

column N. Please write a report explaining how you derived your estimates, and listing the assumptions that you have made.

You are welcome to conduct your own research via the internet or any other means you can find.

Please be reminded that there are no standard correct answers for the two exercises above. We are trying to test the

following qualities in these two exercises

Passion in playing with Data-sets
Numerical reasoning skills
English report writing capability
Presentation skills
Research capabilities
Data modeling skills