‘Dark Victory’ & Bette Davis’s star image

Ethics of Sham Surgery in Parkinson’s’ Disease Patients.
March 29, 2020
March 29, 2020

‘Dark Victory’ & Bette Davis’s star image

“Dark Victory” & Bette Davis’s star image The women’s film genre can be traced back all the way to 1930s during which many of women’s movies were referred to as melodramatics and were mainly based on female narratives having female protagonists, catering mainly to the female audiences and the concerns that women face during their everyday lives. Amongst some of the most popular women’s movies of all time, the film ???Dark Victory??? remains as one of the most tragic, maudlin and melodramatic American film produced during the year 1939 revolving around the true strength of a woman who sought romance in her life but not at the cost of her own independence and how her iron willed spirit helped her deal with the harsh reality of her impending death (Bordwell).