Food Industry
August 11, 2020
Topic: Part 3 of Leadership Portfolio Project
August 11, 2020


RESPONSE PAPER #2DANC 105 Survey of Dance The Power of Dance Dance has the power to communicate and evoke responses (Ambrosio, p.5). Another important factor in the growing acceptance of dance as a popular art form in the United States has been its increased presentation through the mass media (Kraus, p.287). No matter where you live, once you start looking, you will find there is more live dance going onthan you originally suspected (Lihs, p.vii).Dance is a wide-ranging art form. One of the uses of dance, because of its visual impact, has been in mass media advertising. There is something about dance that is compelling and it has been utilized more than you originally suspected in mass media and advertising campaigns. Your assignment is to notice the use of dance in advertising, either in magazines (still photos), television, or on the Internet.
What are they trying to sell?
How does dance assist in getting the message across?
What is the power behind human movement and how does the use of movement affect us? (This is the important question answer it with the scholarship and discernment that you have gained this semester!!!!)
What was the best, most effective, funniest, or strangest use of dance you saw? (Include the web link in your paper and post it as a reply to the forum I started).For this assignment:
1. Notice dance as you watch television, surf the net, look at magazines, etc.
2. Find a sample of the commercial use of dance on the internet.
3. Respond to the above questions and record your responses on a document.
4. Include the web link on your document so I can look at it (as I have posted mine below).
5. Post your journal paper: Journal 3_(your last name).doc
6. Share the interesting things you found with your classmates by posting a forum message in the Journal 3 forum, such as:Hello Everyone! Here are some commercials from television that I really thought were unique:
David Elsewhere Heineken Commercial Hyundai commercial using Pilabolus Dance Company: Lawsons Scotch commercial using the New Zealand All Blacks Rugby team doing the HakaHave Fun watching these!