Certification Trends
June 1, 2020
NLF Hamlets The National Liberation Front and the US built strategic hamlets
June 1, 2020


1 €“ What factors motivate hackers? What can organizations do to be more proactive in identifying and  mitigating hacker threats?

2 €“ How do the profiles for hackers and crackers differ? Should these psychological attributes and intent  make a difference as to the amount and nature of the punishment meted out to those who are caught? Why or why  not?

3 €“ Some mental health and criminal justice professionals contend that hacking is an addiction, and causes  obsessive, risk taking behavior in a manner similar to illegal narcotics €“ hackers hack to get high from  the thrill of breaking into a system and getting away with it. Should policymakers look towards treatment,
rather than incarceration, as the disposition of hacker cases? Why or why not?