Cyber Psychology Academic Essay

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Quantitative Methods for Accounting Semester 1, 2016 Academic Essay
August 20, 2020

Cyber Psychology Academic Essay

There is a total of 4 topics each topic has to be at least 1,100 words each in each topic there are key points that need to be spoken about also there needs to be at least 2 citations on each topic… I numbered each topic 1-4 and listed the key points under each of those topics please keep each key point according to the topic in which it goes with… Thank you so much for your help…

TOPIC 1. Personality And Technology
which you use a foundational psychological theory to solve a workplace issue. Choose an issue related to either a physical problem or a psychosocial issue focused on self, personality, and abnormal behavior in the workplace. choose either a physical problem or psychosocial issue focused on self, personality, and abnormal behavior in the workplace. For example, a compulsion to gamble online creates many problems. Think about what unmet psychological need explains the motivation to gamble. Is it an escape from negative emotional stress or the need for excitement—or something else? Another example, excessive Internet usage at work, may affect job performance and violate company policy. Consider the theory surrounding addiction and the theory that underlies the treatment of addiction. In addition to job performance issues, excessive computer usage can cause physical problems, for example, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches and backaches, et cetera.


Explain how the underlying psychological theory relates to the problem or issue
Ensure you complete the following for a reliable media source:
Examine what current reliable media reports about your chosen issue.
Evaluate a solution suggested by a reliable source.
Ensure you complete the following for a scholarly source:
Evaluate a solution suggested by a scholarly source.
Assess the weaknesses in the data collection method of a scholarly source.
Evaluate the conclusions of a scholarly source.
Note the following:
References must be mostly scholarly in nature. In other words, you should direct your research to professional psychology journals and texts, as well as current articles from the media (for example, articles from PewResearch, professional journals, and respected media).
The library guide for this course will help you locate appropriate sources.
Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information for this purpose but may be useful for background information. Do not cite Wikipedia.
To deepen your understanding, on TOPIC 1
Consider the anonymity afforded by the Internet:
In what ways do the Internet and other technologies allow one to be oneself?
In what ways do the Internet and other technologies allow one to masquerade as someone else?
In what ways is there harm in pretending to be someone different online?
In what ways are certain personality types more likely to enjoy or benefit from social interaction online? What personality types benefit more?
Answer the following related to Internet and therapy:
Is there such a thing as Internet addiction? How does the Internet promote armchair diagnosis?
Are there limitations and benefits of technologies being used in online or virtual reality therapy? What are the therapeutic uses of virtual reality?
Explain the following terms:
What is Internet addiction? Is there such a thing?
What is computer rage?
What is computer anxiety?

TOPIC 2 Implications Of Social Media

Research the effects of social media on a specific age group in which you make a recommendation for future research on the topic. It is clear that few would dispute the fact that the Internet has had a significant effect on interpersonal communication and relationships. The big question often investigated with scientific inquiry is, “Is this a good thing?”you will consider the role in our lives played by social networking, microblogging, and online dating services. You will also consider the psychosocial impact of cyber bullying, thinking about questions such as how to measure cyberbullying, who are the perpetrators and victims of cyber bullying, and what are the consequences.

Key Points;

To prepare for this assessment, complete the following:
1. Choose a specific age group to research: children, teens, young adults, middle-aged adults, or seniors.
2. Research the physical and psychosocial effects of social media for a specific age group.
Critically review scholarly literature that examines the physical effects of social media for your chosen age group.
Critically review the scholarly literature that examines the psychosocial effects of social media for your chosen age group.
Critically review reliable media sources for information related to the use and effects of social media for your chosen age group.
Provide a rationale for a proposed research topic for the specific age group you selected while preparing for this assessment.
Consider the Internet and its effect on relationships:
In what ways do the Internet and other technologies bring together people?
In what ways do the Internet and other technologies cause dissension or issues for family, friends, coworkers, and others?
In what ways does social networking damage relationships, productivity, and reputations?
Consider social networking:
What does the term social paradox mean, and is it relevant today?
What does social networking mean?
Why is social networking so popular? In what ways do people use social networking to improve relationships, business, and society?
What are the effects of cyberbullying from physical, emotional, social, and legal perspectives? Can cyberbullying be stopped? How?

Note the following:
References must be mostly scholarly in nature. In other words, direct your research to professional psychology journals and texts, as well as current articles from the media (for example, articles from PewResearch, professional journals, and respected media).
The library guide for this course will help you locate appropriate sources.
Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information for this purpose but may be useful for background information. Do not cite Wikipedia.

Topic 3.Groups And Communities

in which you critically review reliable media sources for information related to the implications of membership in a chosen group or community. Examine both scholarly literature and reliable media sources in order to identify the problems, conflicts, and issues where additional research is needed.
Today, the focus of scientific inquiry is on group dynamics, the appeal of groups, the benefits and consequences of group membership, and how groups recruit members.
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

Key points;
Consider Internet communities: study the psychosocial effects of a specific online community or group. For example, perhaps you are interested in researching an online sobriety community for teens—or an online group of people who love zombie films. The possibilities seem endless. Choose a specific group or community to research. Note: Research judiciously. Do not or choose a group or community that advocates hate, violence, or anything that might detract from the higher-education learning experience. Use caution as you research and do not reveal personal information.
How does the Internet bring people of like minds and experiences together?
What are the ways that people benefit from connecting with others?
What are the dangers?
Consider online gaming:
How do people play online?
What is the appeal of online gaming and entertainment?
What are the limitations of online gaming?
What are your personal feelings about online gaming and children? Is there a point when children are too young to be playing online?
Critically review reliable media sources for information related to the implications of membership in the group or community.
Explain the methods or procedures used in the studies.
Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology used for the studies.
Examine the problems, conflicts, and unresolved issues that require additional research and choose one issue to propose for further research.
Provide a rationale for proposed research.

TOPIC 4 Research Proposal

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community
For the following questions, refer to the Greenblat (2010) article, “Impact of the Internet on Thinking,” linked in the Resources under the Library Resources heading:
How do online tools bring educational opportunities and experiences closer to learners? Are there some people that benefit more than others or thrive more in an online environment?
What are the limitations of online learning? Can educational institutions thrive without the use of the Internet and other tools?
What are your personal feelings about online learning and children? Is there a point when children are too young to be connected?
Your topic is Addiction.
Considering what you have learned about the field of cyberpsychology, choose one of these topics that especially interests you or that pertains to your current job or future career:
Identify Unanswered Problems/Issues
Research the scholarly literature and reliable media to identify unanswered problems or issues related to a specific issue or problem (from the list above) in a career field.
Note the following: References should be mostly scholarly in nature. In other words, you should direct your research to professional psychology journals and texts, and current articles from the media (for example, articles from PewResearch, professional journals, and respected media).
The library guide for this course will help you locate appropriate sources.
Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information for this purpose but may be useful for background information. Do not cite Wikipedia.
Ask a primary (or main) question and, then, if necessary, follow with sub-questions that will lead to the primary question. For example, you may ask “How does social networking help people to feel connected?” Sub-questions may include, “What ways do people use social networking?” or “How is connectedness measured?”
Recognize your own biases as you ask your question. For example, you may believe that social networking is a waste of time, but you should ask your question in a neutral manner. For example, “What does the research show about the psychosocial impact of social networking?” is a neutral question. “Why is social networking?” is not a neutral question.
Use question words to guide your work: How? What? Why? Where? When? With whom?

Key Points
1.)Introduce the proposed study and summarize the existing research sufficiently that your readers will understand the basis for your proposal.
2.)List each research question (or questions), in clear and specific terms, for this study.

3.)Methods, Procedures, and Techniques

a) What are the methods for this study?
b) How will you collect data?
c) Why did you choose this methodology?
d) What are the advantages of this research methodology?
e) What are the disadvantages of this methodology?

4. Sample
a) What is the population of interest?
b) Who are the sample participants?

f) Explain how this sample is (and is not) representative of the population. Include a discussion of any inclusion or exclusion criteria for participation.

5. Procedures
a) What are the participant recruitment procedures?
b) hat are the study procedures?
c) (What will you do and where will you do it in?)

6. Benefits
What are the benefits of this study to the field of cyberpsychology? How will this study advance the field? Explain.

7. Benefits to Career Field
What are the benefits to the career field?
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions

