customer behavior
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use this text book to study
Shiffman, L., O’Cass, A., Paladino, A. and Carlson, J. (2014), Consumer Behaviour, 6th
edition, Pearson Publishing.
In any purchase of any product, consumers tend to go through five stages of consumer decision making process. However, there are many internal factors (needs & motivation, personality & self-concept, attitudes and involvement) and situational factors (gift-giving and retail environment) that may influence this process. Working individually, please select one of the four following brands:
1. Apple – iPhone6
2. Miss Dior – perfume
3. Longines – watch
4. FIAT – FIAT Panda
Once you have selected your brand, you must attempt to cover the following three areas. Produce your answer in an essay format. – Apply the five stages of consumer decision making process to the consumer decision to purchase your chosen product.
Explain and justify the internal factors (needs & motivation, personality & self-concept, attitudes and involvement) and situational (gift-giving and retail environment) factors that may influence this process, leading someone to purchase your chosen brand. – Understanding consumer behaviours and the way they select the product, what recommendations can you give to the company to promote the brand that you select? Your final essay should be no longer than 1500 words
(excluding reference list).
Any essay that is too long will be penalised. However, an essay that is too short is unlikely to have enough depth so will not earn a good mark). To help you in your assignment, use your tutorial sessions and notes from the first five lectures and use the available library and internet resources (i.e. newspapers, periodicals and journal articles – expected minimum of 5 journal articles) to help find out more about consumer behavior theories and your chosen brand.
Task 1 – Consumer Behaviour Individual Essay (Individual Assignment)
Excellent standard of work
Very good standard of work
Good standard of work
Satisfactory standard of work
Substantial work is required
5 marks Introduction
Background information about a brand
The importance of understanding the consumers of the brand
20 marks Application of five stages of consumer decision making process
Clear application of the model
30 Integration of internal factors (e.g. needs & motivation, personality and selfconcept,
attitudes and involvement)
Define the theories/concept
? Clearly demonstrate their understanding of the theories/concepts
Appropriately integrate the theories/concept to the consumer decision making
10 Integration of situational factors (gift-giving or retail environment)
Appropriately integrate the theories/concept to the consumer decision making
15 Conclusion (recommendations)
Recommendations are based on theories/concept.
? Recommendations are feasible and innovative
15 Sources of Information
Appropriate referencing style (Harvard system) has been adopted throughout
the report
A reasonable number of sources have been used (approx. 5 – 10)
A list of references has been included – minimum 5 journal articles
5 Essay format
Essay format has been adopted. Inclusion of introduction, body and
conclusion (recommendations) and reference list.
General presentation, spelling, and grammar should be excellent and of an
academic standard
? Word counts are appropriate.