Current events summary
Paper instructions:
Current Events Summary:
Fights against the state are common throughout the world. For example, the Thai
military conducted a coup against the government that had been facing six months of protest, and, following the coup protesters left the street. This is just one example of a contemporary case of an opposition movement challenging the state. Your job is to find another example of an ONGOING CHALLANGE to a state government reported in a renowned news source. Once you have found the event, you are to research the opposition’s demands or grievances and the methods of conflict they have engaged in against the state.
A summary of the group’s background, demands and tactics is to be 2 pages in length. Attach the news article or a link to the article, DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE
CONFLICT OR ARTICLE. Describe the background and current state of the conflict,
what identifies the opposition group as a unique actor, etc.