Explain the assertion that one (1) disadvantage of the pure project
July 14, 2020
A feminist socialist reading ofworld war 1in pat barker’s regeneration trilogy
July 14, 2020

Current Best Buy situation

Final Project: Management Perspectives on Best Buy [200-points] [Word]
Students will have a Final Project due the Tuesday of Week 8 – NOT Sunday!! Students MUST start this project in Week 1. Please note this is not a team project, and students are expected to allocate a few hours EACH week to this project. This assignment should be completed with purely a managerial perspective, though it has a decidedly strategic mindset. 


The objective of this project is for students to understand and evaluate a live business case from a mid-to-high level managerial perspective. Specifically, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the current situation at Best Buy. Students will be expected to do the following: (1) Review the Best Buy 10-k (Ticker BBY); (2) Surf the net and review a minimum of 50-sites and articles on BBY and their current dilemma; (3) Complete a retail store visit as the observational research component.

The final deliverable will be around 30-pages (including cover, works cited, etc.) and should follow the template below precisely:


PART 1 – Current Situation: What is going on with BBY? Why? Be specific. I have studied this case extensively for five years and know it inside and out, so please do not submit assertions. Please do not even think about completing this component until the 10-k has been read in totality and all of the research has been completed. Students should start keeping notes in Week 1. Any student waiting until Week 2 to start the research will be immediately behind. Every day students should live and breath BBY to see what is new, what media releases are available, what happened in the market. For the next eight weeks you all are senior managers.
PART 2 – Risk Factors & Validated Problems: Students need to rank order what they see as the top 20 problems facing the executives at BBY. Be detailed to explain each problem at length, whether or not it is controllable and to what extent it has, is, or will further materially impact the operations of BBY. While the 10-k will be helpful, be sure to conduct further research.
PART 3 – Management Perspectives & Solutions: Students need to share managerial perspectives on the aforementioned problems. Specifically, students will take the top 5-problems, offer perspective on the severity of the scenario, and develop a potential solution(s) for each one. Be detailed. Think critically. This is your chance to be an executive.