Culturally Responsive Leadership Practices

digital media
May 13, 2020
Political Philosophy
May 13, 2020

Culturally Responsive Leadership Practices

Culturally Responsive Leadership Practices

Topic: Application: Interviews: Evaluating Culturally Responsive Leadership Practices
Application: Interviews: Evaluating Culturally Responsive Leadership Practices
[I]nequalities in access, opportunity, and outcomes suggest that our educational systems may not be organized to adequately support the learning of an increasingly diverse student population. Given that all demographic indicators suggest that the trend toward increasingly multicultural populations will only continue, the need to create systems that are responsive to student diversity is imperative. (Sullivan & A’Vant, 2009)

For this Assignment, you will interview two change leaders individually about how each addresses inequalities in access, opportunity, and outcomes for the learners in their education settings. Their role must include influencing and/or determining policy at the systemic level of a learning organization. Examples might include: P€“12 or university leader, government official, member of an education board, director of a learning organization, or professional education organization leader.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Design 5€“10 questions for your interviewees that will provide insights into and examples of:
€¢Each leader’s understanding of culturally responsive education practices
€¢How the leader’s organization has implemented or advocates implementing to promote culturally responsive education practices
€¢How the leader’s organization evaluates the effectiveness of policy intended to promote culturally responsive education practices
€¢Culturally responsive leadership theories that inform each leader’s actions (i.e., authentic leadership, social justice leadership, ethical leadership, and/or moral transformative leadership)

Cite resources used to help develop your interview questions.
Submit a paper that includes the following components:
1.Description of Each Interviewee: A brief description of the change leaders you interviewed, including the scope of their leadership role and how they influence and/or determine policy at the systemic level of a learning organization. (Do not use actual names.)
2. Interview Questions: The 5€“10 interview questions you developed.
3. Leaders’ Summary and Evaluation: For each leader, summarize his or her responses to your interview questions and prompts. Based on these responses, evaluate the status of culturally responsive education practice and leadership at each learning organization, including:
€¢Strengths and/or weaknesses regarding culturally responsive education practices
€¢Evidence of culturally responsive leadership practices in the leader you interviewed
€¢Concerns and recommendations for each leader to improve his or her culturally responsive education practices and leadership. Cite resources to support your concerns and/or recommendations.
4.Synthesis: Explain how you would use what you have learned from these interviews to address the culturally responsive education needs in your context or a context you hope to serve as a change leader.