Cultural Competence In Healthcare
Order Description
Task: Media Portfolio
Value: 40%
Due date: Monday, Midnight Week 13
Length: 2,000 – 2500 words – negotiable
Task: This assignment involves the collection and analysis of media material on a current cultural safety in health issue(s). You are required to link contemporary issues as presented in the media with those discussed in the unit outline and in the readings.
It is advisable to start thinking about your topic and collecting your material from early in the semester.
Discuss this with your lecturer prior to commencing the activity. The Discussion Board: Assessment 3 is the forum for such discussions
You will need to:
Identify a specific cultural safety in health issue or issues
Collect a minimum of 4 media items which may include newspaper articles, editorials, letters to the editor, magazine articles, video clips, online blogs and other electronic articles. The sources will need to be local, interstate and possibly international. Utilise a variety of sources in order to assess the breadth and depth of the issue. Using only one source may result is a biased account of the issue.
Please note material including cartoons, posters, health promotion YouTube clips, or academic journal articles and government publications are not media items unless they are discussed and cited as a media release or news item
Hot link the reference to the media item in the body of the text
Summarise key issue(s) in the media material collected
Link and/or compare the keys issue/s from the media material to various models and approaches investigated in the unit by citing HEA230 unit content and/or related reference materials
Discuss how the media material might affect or contribute to the current debate or discussion on the issue.
Discuss your position and views on the issue as it was presented and explore other perspectives.
You will need to read widely on the issue/s, including books, journal articles and government reports.
TASK: Media Portfolio
This assignment involves the collection and analysis of media material on a current cultural safety in health issue(s). You are required to link contemporary issues as presented in the media with those discussed in the unit outline and in the reading.
VALUE: 40%
LENGTH: (APPROX 2000-2500)
The criteria for assessment of this assignment will include:
-Identified a current cultural safety in health issues(s). Collected and analysed a minimum of 4 relevant media items on identified issue. = /5
-Summarised and analysed key points from the collected media material. = /10
Linked media material to various models and approaches investigated in the unit with reference to the unit content and references. = /10
-Discussed how the media material might affect or contribute to the discussion/debate on the issue and offered your own personal reflection. =/5
-Evidence of synthesis of available information and of original thought. = /5
-Clear concise English, structured with an introduction and conclusion and appropriately formatted. Using a recognized and consistently applied referencing system (APA style) =/5
You may wish to browse through these two references for ideas on why we look at the media in a health unit.
Germov, J., & Freij. M. (2013). Media and health: moral panics, miracles, and medicalisation. In J. Germov (Ed.), Second opinion: introduction to health sociology (5th ed.). (pp.337-355). South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.
Willis, K., & Elmer, S. (2011). Society, culture and health an introduction to sociology for nurses. (2nd ed.). (pp45-65). South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press.
The table below contains accredited information for this unit:
Unit Code HEA230
Unit Name Cultural Competence In Healthcare
Year 2016
Semester Semester 1
Sector Higher Education
School Health
Credit Points 10
Equivalent Units NA
Pre-requisites NA
Assumed Knowledge NA
Unit Description This unit provides an opportunity for students to develop cultural competencies that enable them to provide safe practice in a culturally diverse health service delivery environment. The unit uses an interpersonal and interactive process that facilitates creation of a safe space for students to explore and deconstruct pre-existing knowledges, values and beliefs; learning hopes and expectations; and their `cultural self’. The students will explore ways in which their cultural values, attitudes and beliefs, (and those of health care organisations) impact and shape health care relationships.
Learning Outcomes
Critically examine historical and contemporary influences on health care outcomes that enable or constrain culturally competent health care delivery.
Analyse the dimensions of culturally responsive health care including health literacy, health communication and cultural competence in order to improve work practice.
Implement strategies to ensure effective communication including the ability to assess the need for, and work appropriately with interpreters.
Define structural and relational power and analyse how this impacts on health care outcomes for people using health services.
Identify actions that need to be taken at individual, organisational and systemic levels of the work space, and apply the principles of cultural safety in their work settings.
Module 1: Working in a cross-cultural environment (Weeks 1-4).
Module 2: Effective Communication (Weeks 5-8).
Module 3: Power and Healthcare Outcomes (Weeks 9-12).
Module One
Topic One
Smye, V., Rameka, M., & Willis, E. (2006). Indigenous health care: advances in nursing practice.Contemporary Nurse 22 (2), 142-154. <link>
Wilson, J., Ward, C., & Fischer, R. (2013). Beyond culture learning theory: what can personality tell us about cultural competence? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 44 (6), 900-927. <link>
Berger, G., Conroy, S., Peerson, A. & Brazil, V. (2014). Clinical supervisors and cultural competence.The Clinical Teacher, 11, 370-374. <link>
NACCHO (2011). Concepts and meanings. In NACCHO, Creating the NACCHO Cultural Safety Training Standards and Assessment Process: A background paper. (pp 8-14). <link>
Topic Two
Omeri, A., & Raymond, L. (2009). Diversity in the context of multicultural Australia: Implications for nursing practice.
In J. Daly, S. Speedy & D. Jackson (Eds.), Contexts of nursing: An introduction, Ch. 20, 3rd Edition, Australia: Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. <link>
Thackrah, RD., & Thompson, SC. (2013). Refining the concept of cultural competence: building on decades of progress. The Medical Journal of Australia, 199(1), 35-38. <link>
Willis, K., & Elmer, S. (2011). Chapter 7: Ethnic diversity in healing practices and health issues.
In K. Willis & S. Elmer, Society, Culture and Health: An Introduction to Sociology for Nurses: (pp 143-165).Melbourne: Oxford University Press. <link>
Topic Three
Fredericks, B. (2010). What health services within rural communities tell us about Aboriginal people and Aboriginal health. Rural Society 20 (1),10–20. <link>
Liaw, ST., Lau, P., Pyett, P., Furler, J., Burchill, M., Rowley, K., & Kelaher, M. (2011). Successful chronic disease care for Aboriginal Australians requires cultural competence. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 35(3) 238-48 <link>
Fanany, R., & Fanany, D. (2012). Culture.
In R. Fanany & D. Fanany, Health as a Social Experience (pp 46-70). Melbourne: Palgrave Macmillan. <link>
Fanany, R., & Fanany, D. (2012). Race and Ethnicity.
In R. Fanany & D. Fanany, Health as a Social Experience (pp 71-93) Melbourne: Palgrave Macmillan. <link >
eReadings Course Readings allows electronic copies of journal articles, book chapters and lecturer notes that have been recommended by a lecturer as part of their course reading requirements. You can access eReadings Course Readings at
This site is password protected. Your CDU student login will provide you access. You can then search for items by Lecturer, Unit Code, Title, Author, Keyword, Year or Date if you have that information.
Assessment 3
Posted on: Wednesday, 4 May 2016 11:45:41 AM CST
The task is to select an article from the Media it may be a transcript from a radio or TV program. It may also be a news item found in the newspapers or magazines.
Editorials in academic journals or articles from academic journals are not media items nor are web sites.