Cultural Biographical Paper Family

The Coca-Cola Company – Employee Selection
September 11, 2019
Employee security Issue within an organization
September 12, 2019

Cultural Biographical Paper Family


Write a 7 to 9-page paper, double-spaced, documenting your family’s cultural history. First, identify your family’s cultural history (e.g., African American New Yorkers who have roots in the South; multiracial family with Haitian immigrant mother and Irish American father; immigrant family from Colombia; Italian American family with grandparent immigrants). Second, describe your ethnic/cultural values and heritage; you can discuss history of migration, family traditions, customs, dance, dress, music, holidays, etc. With these, you can describe the messages you received about rules of belonging to your social-cultural groups; how your ethnic/cultural heritage has impacted your thinking, behaviors and values; and whether you hold onto these values today. Further, you can discuss the influence of your family culture on your intersectional identities, like gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, etc.

Papers should be clearly organized with the following headings: (a) Family History and Heritage, (b) Rules of Belonging, and (c) Identity Development and Impact. Papers are to be 12-point font size, Times New Roman, and have a one-inch margin around the sides. Title pages or abstracts are not necessary, and will not count toward the page requirement. Papers are graded based on your ability to communicate effectively, clarity, content and grammar. More information will be provided in class or posted on Blackboard