Cultural and Linguistic, Adaptation and Accommodation Considerations in Assessment
After completing this week’s required reading, respond to the following:
• Describe language and acculturation differences that are present among students in U.S. public schools;
• Describe the legal protections and requirements for students who are ELLs included in IDEA and NCLB;
• List four questions that should be used to guide the assessment process for students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds;
• Describe the merits and drawbacks of three approaches to testing students who are ELLs;
• Describe the differing categories of accommodations (presentation, response, etc.) and provide examples of accommodations that might fit each category;
• List some accommodation guidelines to use in making decisions about which accommodations to provide when making accountability decisions (CCSS); and
• Describe how assistive technology can assist students in the assessment process (high stakes testing, individual, progress monitoring, etc.).
Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style 6th edition