CS192 Week 1 Automated checkout
A local department store hires you to write an automated checkout program to expedite customers in a hurry. The checkout line can only accept five items for any one purchase. Design a program that asks for the price of each item, and then displays the subtotal of the sale, the amount of the sales tax and the total. The sales tax is 6 percent.
You are to submit the following for the assignment:
Remember to follow the guidelines of good program design. Make sure to use meaningful variable names and include comments as needed.
CS192 Week 2 Grade Book Program
Your English instructor, realizing you are a programmer, asks you to write a Grade Book program for his class to help him compute final grades. Design a program that asks for the student’s name and four test grades. You are to display the student’s name, four test grades, the average of the four test grades and the final letter grade the student earned in the course.
Your English instructor gives you the following grading scale:
95-100 A+
90-94 A-
85-89 B+
80-84 B-
75-79 C+
70-74 C-
65-69 D+
60-64 D-
59 or below F
You are to submit the following for this assignment:
1. RAPTOR file with the flowchart of your working program. Make sure you run it to make sure it is error free and does what it is supposed to do.
2. Use the generate dropdown to create example C++ code based on your working logical flow chart. Also attached the code in a Microsoft Word file or a text file.
Remember to follow the guidelines of good program design. Make sure to use meaningful variable names and include comments as needed.
CS192 Week 3 Calculator Program
Design a calculator program that will add, subtract, multiply, or divide two numbers input by a user.
Your program design should contain the following:
You are to submit the following for the assignment:
Remember to follow the guidelines of good program design. Make sure to use meaningful variable names and include comments as needed.
CS192 Week 4 Grade Average Program
Design a grade average program that will produce the numerical grade average of test scores input by a user.
Your program design should contain the following:
You are to submit the following for the assignment:
Remember to follow the guidelines of good program design. Make sure to use meaningful variable names and include comments as needed.
CS192 Week 5 Body Mass Index Program
You are the nutritional coach for a local high school football team. You realize that some of the players are not up to par having returned from summer break. Realizing nutrition plays a key in a productive team, you decide to implement a Body Mass Index Program.
Design a modularized Body Mass Index (BMI) Program which will calculate the BMI of a team player. The formula to calculate the BMI is as follows:
BMI = Weight * 703/Height2
Your program design should contain the following:
You are to submit the following for the assignment:
Remember to follow the guidelines of good program design. Make sure to use meaningful variable names and include comments as needed.
CS192 Week 6 Pet Class
Design a class named Pet, which should have the following fields:
The Pet class should also have the following methods:
Once you have designed the class, design a program that creates an object of the class and prompts the user to enter the name, type, and age of his pet. This data should be stored in the object. Use the object’s accessor methods to retrieve the pet’s name, type, and age and display this data on the screen.
You are to submit the following for the assignment:
Remember to follow the guidelines of good program design. Make sure to use meaningful variable names and include comments as needed.
This week we are going to discuss code reliability.
CS192 Week 7 Employee Production Worker Program
Design an Employee class that has fields for the following pieces of information:
Next, design a class named ProductionWorker that extends the Employee class. The ProductionWorker class should have fields to hold the following information:
The workday is divided into two shifts: day and night. The shift field will hold an integer value representing the shift that the employee works. The day shift is shift 1 and the night shift is shift 2. Design the appropriate accessor and mutator methods for each class.
Once you have designed the classes, design a program that creates an object of the ProductionWorker class and prompts the user to enter data for each of the object’s fields. Store the data in the object and then use the object’s accessor methods to retrieve it and display it on the screen.
You are to submit the following for the assignment:
Remember to follow the guidelines of good program design. Make sure to use meaningful variable names and include comments as needed.
Week 2 Program Efficiency
We have learned from our reading that properly coding decision statements will aid in program efficiency.
Week 3 WHILE Loop vs. FOR Loop
Week 4 Arrays in Everyday Life
Week 5 Designing for Reusability
Week 6 Development and Ease of Maintenance
Week 7Code Reliability
This week we are going to discuss code reliability.
Week 8 Software Testing
midterm 47 questions
final 44 qustions
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