Crowdsourcing and Social Networking

Analyze the implications of adverse selection in insurance markets that contain information asymmetry and community ratings. Justify your response.
June 6, 2020
Constitution Paper
June 6, 2020

Crowdsourcing and Social Networking

  • 1. Crowd sourcing has been predicted to be the future of marketing, advertising, product design etc. Companies that have used crowdsourcing include Starbucks, InnoCentive,Inc, uTest, etc. Compare and contrast the traditional marketing, advertising,product testing, and product design to corresponding crowdsourcing-based methods.Determine the method you would use and why.
  •                2.                Social networking has forced businesses to amend some of their employees’ conditions of employment and company expectations. Employees could disclose an employer’sproprietary information on social networks. They can post information that could be detrimental to the company’s image. Suggest three techniques companies could use to prevent employees from using social networking to harm a company’s reputation.