Critique of a published research article
Order Description
Assignment 1 – Critique of a published research article (15%)
Due date: Monday 25 March, 2013 (The word limit is 750 words)
Assignment 1 requires you to:
Read the research article provided – Social Work and Child Maltreatment Intervention in Disney Animated Feature Films: 1937–2006:
1. Summarise what you see to be the aim of the study (10%)
2. Describe the methods used in the study, and evaluate how appropriate these are ethically, and to meeting the study aim (25%)
3. Outline what role you see is played in this study by the researcher/s’ values and/or beliefs (their ??�worldview’) (10%)
4. Discuss and critique the study’s findings. Include a brief comment, based on your overall evaluation of this research, on whether you think as a profession you think we should be concerned about such representations of social workers (30%)
5. Writer’s reflection: On completion of this assignment, reflect on and respond briefly to the following four questions: (1) What do you think is the strongest aspect of your paper, and why? (2) Where do you think your readers might get stuck or need more information? (4) What specific feedback do you want from a reader about this paper? (3) What will you take from this writing experience into the preparation and writing of future assignments? (15%)
6. Ensure that you pay attention to the presentation of the paper, reference and cite correctly and demonstrate an appropriate level of literacy (10%)
Reading List
Research for social workers: an introduction to methods – Alston, Margaret, Bowles, Wendy, 2012
Miller, JD & Brewer RL, 2003
The A-Z of social research a dictionary of key social science research concepts
Dudley, J.R. 2011, Research methods for social work: being producers and consumers of research (2nd ed), Pearson Education, Boston, MA
D’Cruz, H. & Jones, M. 2004, Social Work research. Ethical and political contexts, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Engel, R.J., & Schutt, R.K. 2013, The practice of research in Social Work (3rd ed), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Fook, J. (ed.) 1996, The reflective researcher, Allen & Unwin, Sydney.
Grinnell, R.M. Jr. & Unrau, Y.A. 2011, Social Work research and evaluation: Foundations of evidence-based practice (9th ed), Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
Hardwick, L. & Worsley, A. 2011, Doing Social Work research, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Humphries, B. 2008, Social Work research for social justice, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK.
Krysik, J.L. & Finn, J. 2010, Research for effective Social Work practice, Taylor & Francis, Hoboken, NJ. (Available as an e-book:
McLaughlin, H., 2012 Understanding Social Work research (2nd ed), Sage Publications, London.
Marlow, C.R. & Boone, C. 2005, Research methods for generalist Social Work (4th ed.), Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA.
Rubin, A. & Babbie, E. 2005, Research methods for Social Workers Thomson/Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA.
Shaw, I.F. 2012, Practice and research, Ashgate, Burlington.
Shaw, I. and Gould, N. 2001, Qualitative research in Social Work, Sage Publications, USA.
Smith, R. 2009 Doing Social Work research, Open University Press, New York, NY.