Critique Of A Peer’s Essay

individual personality, strengths and business competencies
May 27, 2020
Event Planning Company (Weddings, Birthday Parties,& Anniversary Parties)
May 27, 2020

Critique Of A Peer’s Essay

Critique Of A Peer’s Essay

Review the following in The Longman Writer: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook.

Chapter 8, "Revising Sentences and words" (pp. 91-114)
What are some ways that you can make sentences clearer and more interesting to read? How can you vary your word choice to strengthen your writing?
Part Vl "A concise Handbook"
"Verbs" (pp. 611-622)
"Pronouns" (pp. 615-622)
"Modifiers" (pp. 622-624)
My instructor has assigned me a sample peer essay to review. Using a revision and peer-review techniques described in this week’s readings, critique the persuasive essay.
Consider the point of view presented by the persuasive essay. How will does the writer anticipate skeptics and naysayers in the essay? What is the personal experience regarding the topic of the sample persuasive essay?
Consider reviewing the persuasive essay at the paragraph (big picture) level first and then narrow it down to the sentence level. How effective is the writer’s use of quotation and summary?
Write a 1 page critique of a sample persuasive essay using the elements of writing.
Be sure to include at least one quotation from the persuasive essay.
Check for and correct verbs, pronouns, and modifiers, in your writing.
Formatting Expectation:
Indent the first sentence of each paragraph. Block paragraphs are not acceptable for this assignment.
The final document should:
Be in 10 or 12 point font, such as Arial or Verdana
Be double spaced throughout
Have 1 inch margins for top, bottom, left, and right
Include your full name and assignment title on the document€¦Please email or call me so that I can send you the sample essay.