Criticism, Canon, and Historical Truth of the Gospels

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June 7, 2020

Criticism, Canon, and Historical Truth of the Gospels

Criticism, Canon, and Historical Truth of the Gospels

Unit 1

Lesson 1.1

• Discussion Question

o Please post a brief biography of yourself so we can all get to know you. It is possible that you have already done this for another course, but the entire 520 Group would like to meet you.

• Written Assignments

o Choose one of the criticisms from the list of 11 and write a short essay (4 to 6 paragraphs) expanding on what you have read. The use of the text, especially the footnotes, will be helpful here.

o Read the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke and apply redaction criticism to what you have read; write 2 to 3 paragraphs.

Lesson 1.2

• Discussion Question

o The Instruction Concerning the Historical Truths of the Gospels speaks of three Stages of Tradition. How do you understand the development of these three stages? How would you explain them to a group you are instructing?

• Written Assignments

o You are discussing the New Testament with a friend or a group of people in your church community. The question comes up as to how an author or authors could possibly quote what Jesus, Peter, Stephen or any other person said when the author was not there and there does not appear to be any written documents that have the quotes. Try to limit your response to information contained in the Instruction. There will be further opportunity for more development of this topic. This assignment should be 3 to five pages in length.