. Critically evaluate Barry Gills’ view that we are witnessing a multidimensional “triple” crisis on a global scale within the global political

why do animal become extinct.
August 22, 2020
Effective Meeting Planning
August 22, 2020

. Critically evaluate Barry Gills’ view that we are witnessing a multidimensional “triple” crisis on a global scale within the global political

Topic: 5. Critically evaluate Barry Gills’ view that we are witnessing a multidimensional “triple” crisis on a global scale within the global political economy.
Order Description
The essay will be graded according to:
a) Your ability to summarise key themes
b) Your ability to critically engage the literature – that is, move beyond summary and into evaluation
c) Your ability to identify a range of bibliographical sources
d) Your adherence to the conventions of prose, presentation, referencing, etc.

Please read:Neil Smith ‘The Geography of uneven development’