Critically engage with appropriate literature on Australian cinema history and the specific period under study, and demonstrate how these selected sou

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April 2, 2020
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Critically engage with appropriate literature on Australian cinema history and the specific period under study, and demonstrate how these selected sou

Set Task:
This assignment will require you to collate and interpret research articles appropriate for inclusion in the final research essay.

• When doing any form of research the first step is always to review material written on the subject by other academic and industry experts. The literature review is a way of conducting this research.
• The aim is to demonstrate that you have reviewed a range of academic literature related to your topic and that you are using the material as a springboard to developing your topic.
• The first step is to pick a topic for your essay. Think about which four Australian films you are going to analyse in your essay, and make sure your topic is concise and achievable within the word limit.
• Once you have decided on a topic, begin your research. Your literature review should include 8-10 sources. You may include more than this in your final essay. These sources should be from academic sources, and may include book chapters, journal articles, published interviews with filmmakers etc.
• In your final essay you should also reference the films, and can include other industry sources such as websites and film reviews, but these are secondary sources, and are not appropriate for inclusion in your literature review.

• Your literature review must also include a statement of thesis, which is outlined in your introduction. This is a concise statement outlining the central argument of your final essay and is informed by the research you have done.
• Reference list must be submitted – including all journal articles, book chapters etc included in your literature review.
• Reference list should be submitted in MLA style.

Assessment Criteria
A. Select and evaluate an appropriate range of articles, book chapters and other sources for inclusion in the final essay.
B. Critically engage with appropriate literature on Australian cinema history and the specific period under study, and demonstrate how these selected sources will contribute to your final essay.
C. Communicate a rigorous and scholarly thesis statement that indicates the argument of the final essay.
D. Provide an accurate and complete list of references.
a. Express your ideas clearly and engage with academic writing style.
b. Literature Review falls within appropriate word length.