critically discuss the following cases

Joy Land
March 13, 2020
Is corruption always bad for economic development and growth? What are some counter-arguments?
March 13, 2020

critically discuss the following cases

critically discuss the following cases

which of the four ethical theories discussed ( utilitarianism, Kantianism, care ethics and virtue ethics) do you find most appealing or plausible?
choose one or more you wold like to defend and try to shoe, through examining a case, or a few cases( either from the text or outside of it, or both) , how, or in what ways, it is superior to, or more persuasive than, the others

how is it able to better accommodate certain important features of your cases than other theories? why are the other theories inadequate?
i will uploading the cases tonight, and the format is at least 5 pages doesnot including title pages.

you can begin start with:

i would like to argue…….

it’s important to consider objectives, like defend, you need to write it too. like” some people might sat….., but i think…..”you need to explain it