critical thinking in organization management

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August 1, 2020

critical thinking in organization management

Objective: Complete and submit Critical Thinking exercises as defined in the course Lesson and Syllabus.Requirements: Successful Strategic thinking Exercises will be three (3) to five (5) pages in length and incorporate the information and knowledge gained in the course.Timing: Papers are due and should be submitted via the DropBox as defined in the class lesson and schedule.Below are several situations that present ethical questions in a business.Analyze the situation:(a) from the strictly legal viewpoint(b) from a moral and ethical viewpoint (personal and organizational), and(c) from the point of view of what is best in the long run for the company.Think of yourself as a manager of the company and be sure to consider both short and longrange consequences. Also look at each situation from the perspective of all stakeholders (groups concerned: customers, stockholders, employees, government, and community).Hint: This is a business situation and requires that you respond to it from your personal and a business perspective.